1.Search Field: User can enter "Txn number" in this search bar.
2.Export to Excel: This button will Export your report to Excel file and it will be downloaded to your device.
3.Date: User can see "Date" of transaction in this column.
4.Txn Type: User can see "Txn type" of sales transaction in this column.
5.Txn Number: User can see "Txn number" of sales transaction in this column.
6.Customers: User can see "Customer name" in this column.
7.Due Date: User can see "Due Date" of transaction in this column.
8.Total: User can see "Total Amount" of transaction in this column.
9.Balance: User can see "Balance" in this column.
10.Edit: User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the transactions.
1.Customer Button: Customer button will show you customer list its opening balance and data on the right side table.
2.Transaction Button: This button will show transaction list and other options which are explained on the transaction heading below.
3.Adv.Search: This button will show advance options in this portion.
4. Search Field: In this field users can search company names who are already their customers.
5.Search: Search Button: After entering the search term in the search field users will click the search button to generate the search results.
6.Refresh: After doing one time search if users want to search another term then click on Refresh button.
7.Show InActive: User can select "Check box" then it will show to the active customer.
8.Customer List: This table will display customer list by default you can search for your terms from the search field.
9.Open Balance: This table will display opening balance of the customers if its present otherwise it will be zero.
10.Add Customer Button: User click "Add Customer" button a new form window will open where you have to enter your "Customer" details.
11.Edit: User click "Edit" button then it will update the customer center screen.
12.Customer Name: This term will depend on left side table when users will select a customer on left side its data will be displayed on this table. Customer name will be the name of person dealing from that company.
13.Industry: Customer "Industry" name will be displayed in this header.
14.Street Address: Customer "Street Address" will be displayed in this header.
15.City: Customer city name will be displayed in this header.
16.State/Province: Customer "State/Province" name will be displayed in this header.
17.ZipCode: Customer "ZipCode" will be displayed in this header.
18.Phone: Customer "Phone Number" will be displayed in this header.
19.Alt.Phone: Alternate phone is used by users to contact their customers when main phone number is not working if data is entered for Alt Phone it will be displayed here.
20.Fax: Customer "Fax" number will be displayed in Fax header.
21.Email: Customer Email address will be display here.
22.Primary SIC: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
23.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.
24.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee will be displayed here in this header.
25.Year Established: Year of established of customer will be displayed here.
26.Twitter: Twitter account will be displayed in this header.
27.Linked In: Linked In account will be displayed in this header.
28.FaceBook: FaceBook account will be displayed in this header.
29.Google Plus: Google Plus account will be displayed in this header.
30. First Name: First name to the customer will be displayed in this header.
31.Last Name: Last name to the customer will be displayed in this header.
32.Mobile: Customer Mobile number will be displayed here.
33.Email: Customer Email address will be display here.
34.Emils: Customer Emails address will be display here.
35.Mail Box: User can see "Mail box" in this column.
36.Date: Date of the "Email" will be display here.
37.From: This is sender Email id will be display here.
38.To: This is the Recipient Email id will be display here.
39.Subject: subject of the Email address will be display here.
40.Add Note: User click "Add Note" button then it will open a new pop up window to Add the "Add Note" information.
41.Notes: Customer "Notes" will be displayed here.
42.Medium: Customer "Contact Medium" will be displayed here.
43.Entered Date: Customer "Entered Date" will be displayed here.
44.Action Date: Customer "Action Date" will be displayed here.
1.Customer Name: Users will enter customer name in this field.
2.Industry: Users will enter industry of the customer in this field.
3.Service: Users will enter services of the customer in this field.
4.Billing Street Address: Users will enter billing street address of the customer in this field.
5.City: Users will enter city name of the customer in this field.
6.ZipCode: Users will enter zip code of the customer’s location in this field.
7.State/Province: Users will enter State/Province name of the customer in this field.
8.Country: Users will select country name of the customer from this drop down list.
9.Phone: Users will enter Phone number of the customer in this field.
10.Fax: Users will enter Fax number of the customer in this field.
11.Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
12.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.
13.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee in company.
14.Year Established: Year of established of Customer.
15.Twitter: User will enter the twitter id in this column.
16.Linked In: User will enter the linked in control in this column.
17.Facebook: User will enter the Facebook id in this column.
18.Google Plus: User will enter the google plus account in this column.
19.First Name: User will enter the first name in this column.
20.Last Name: User will enter the last name in this column.
21.Mobile: User will enter the mobile in this column.
22.Email: User will enter the email in this column.
23.Same as above: User can select this "Check box" then it will be selected by default which means to the above "Customer" portion.
24.Address Name: Users will select the address type from this list “Main” will be selected by default which means this is the main address of the customer.
25.Street Address: Users will enter street address of the customer for shipping it can be same as you have written in the Customer Info.
26.City: Users will enter city name of the customer where shipment has to be made.
27.Zip Code: Users will enter Zip Code of the customer’s location where shipment have to be made.
28.State: Users will choose the State Name of the customer for shipping.
29.Country: Users will choose Country of the Customer for shipping.
30.Phone: Users will enter phone number of the customer where shipment have to be made.
31.Fax: Users will enter Fax number in this field where items/products will be shipped this field is not necessary because some customers don’t use Fax.
32.First Name: Users will enter first name of the customer to whom shipment will be done this can be same as you have written in the customer info.
33.Last Name: Users will enter last name of the customer to whom shipment will be done.
34.Email Address: In this field users will enter Email address of the customer where items/products will be shipped.
35.Opening Balance: Users will enter opening balance for the customer in this field.
36.Opening Balance Date: Users will enter opening balance date of the customer in this field.
37.Payment Method: Users will enter payment method of the customer in this field.
38.Payment Term: User select "Payment Term" of the customer in this dropdown list.
39.Sales Tax Code: Users will enter sales tax code id for the customer in this field.
40.Credit Limit: Users will enter credit limit for the customer in this field.
41.Customer Type: Users can select "Customer type" in this dropdown list.
42.Sales Rep: User can select "Sales Rep" of the customer in this dropdown list.
43.Resale Number: Users will enter "Resale Number" in this field.
44.Date Time Created: This field will show current date and time when record is being created.
45.Date Time Modified: This field will show date and time when data was modified last time.
46.Is Active: Users will select status of the customer from this drop down list.
47.Is Customer OnHold: This link will take you back to the customer list
48.Save This button will "save" your customer to the list.
49.Save & Continue: If you click "Save and Continue", then it will show you continue that you saved.
1.Customer Name: Users will enter customer name in this field.
2.Industry: Users will enter industry of the customer in this field.
3.Service: Users will enter services of the customer in this field.
4.Billing Street Address: Users will enter billing street address of the customer in this field.
5.City: Users will enter city name of the customer in this field.
6.ZipCode: Users will enter zip code of the customer’s location in this field.
7.State/Province: Users will enter State/Province name of the customer in this field.
8.Country: Users will select country name of the customer from this drop down list.
9.Phone: Users will enter Phone number of the customer in this field.
10.Fax: Users will enter Fax number of the customer in this field.
11.Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
12.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.
13.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee in company.
14.Year Established: Year of established of Customer.
15.Twitter: User will enter the twitter id in this column.
16.Linked In: User will enter the linked in control in this column.
17.Facebook: User will enter the Facebook id in this column.
18.Google Plus: User will enter the google plus account in this column.
19.First Name: User will enter the first name in this column.
20.Last Name: User will enter the last name in this column.
21.Mobile: User will enter the mobile in this column.
22.Email: User will enter the email in this column.
23.Open Balance: Users will enter opening balance for the customer in this field.
24.Payment Method: Users will enter payment method of the customer in this field.
25.Payment Term: User select "Payment Term" of the customer in this dropdown list.
26.Sales Tax Code: Users will enter sales tax code id for the customer in this field.
27.Credit Limit: Users will enter credit limit for the customer in this field.
28.Customer Type: Users can select "Customer type" in this dropdown list.
29.Sales Rep: User can select "Sales Rep" of the customer in this dropdown list.
30.Resale Number: Users will enter "Resale Number" in this field.
31.Date Time Created: This field will show current date and time when record is being created.
32.Date Time Modified: This field will show date and time when data was modified last time.
33.Is Active: Users will select status of the customer from this drop down list.
34.Is Customer OnHold: This link will take you back to the customer list
35.Save This button will "save" your customer to the list.
36.Save & Continue: If you click "Save and Continue", then it will show you continue that you saved.
37.Job Button: User click "Job" button then it will open a new screen to Add Customer record.
38.Delete Button: User click "Delete" button then it will deleted all updated customer record.
39.Add Shipping Address Button: User click "Add Shipping Address" button then it will open a new pop up window to Add the "Shipping Address" information.
40.Address Name: User can see "Address Name" in this field.
41.First Name: User can see "First Name" in this field.
42.Last Name: User can see "Last Name" in this field.
43.Street Address: User can see "Street Address" for Shipment in this field.
44.City: User can see "City" for shipment in this field.
45.Zip Code: User can see "Zip Code" in this field.
46.Phone: User can see "Phone" number in this field.
47.Edit Button: User click "Edit" button then it will open a new screen to update the "Shipping Address" information.
48.Add Note Button: User click "Add Note" button then it will open a new pop up window to Add the "Add Note" information.