ERP Gold’s Balance Sheet Standard module will display Assets Liabilities & EquityNet Balance same printing and exporting to PDF, EXCEL options are available. It will display complete Net Income depending on your date range criteria.
1.Date From: Users will select the starting date of the report from this calendar field.
2.Date to: Users will select the ending date of the report from this calendar field.
3.Export to EXCEL: This button will export your report to Excel file and it will be downloaded to your device.
4.Refresh: This button use to refresh the report.
5.Rotate Clockwise: User click "Rotate Clockwise" icon then it will see the report to different angle.
6.Download: User click "Download" icon it will download report to your device.
7.Print Report: This button will print your report through printer.
8.Account Name: User can see Account Name in this column.
7.Net Balance: This column will show Net Balance of Assets & Liabilities accounts.
Assets & Liabilities Column: This column will show Assets & Liabilities accounts.