1.Select Files: Users will select CSV & Excel files to be uploaded by clicking on this button.
2.Attach: Users will Upload the file by clicking on this button.
3.Remove Files: Users will click this button then files are removed.
4.Upload To Leads: Users click the "Upload to leads" button then it will add the Excel file to the main lead screen.
5.Update Existing records: We update the status record when we click the upload button after clicking the update status record check box.
6.Company Name: User will select the company name in this column.
7.Title: Users will select the title in this column.
8.First Name: Users will select the first name in this column.
9.Middle Name: Users will select the middle name in this column.
10.Last Name: Users will select the last name in this column.
11.Email: Users will select the email in this column.
12.Phone: Users will select the phone number in this column.
13.Mobile: Users will select the mobile number in this column.
14.Fax: Users will select the fax in this column.
15.Country: Users will select the country in this column.
16.City: Users will select the city in this column.
17.State Province: Users will select the state province in this column.
18.Street Address: Users will select the street address in this column.
19.Zip Postal Code: Users will select the zip code in this column.
20.Web URL: Users will select the web URL in this column.
21.Twitter: Users will select the twitter account in this column.
22.Linked In: Users will select the linked in,in this column.
23.Facebook: Users will select the Facebook account in this column.
24.Google Plus: Users will select the google plus account in this column.
25.Lead Source Event Name: Users will select the lead source event in this column.
26.Company Description: Users will select the company description in this column.
27.Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
28.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is a 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.
29.Corporate Employee Size: Users will select the number of employee in company.
30.Computer Expense: Users will select the computer expense in this column.
31.Annual Revenue: Users will select the annual revenue in this column.
32.Service Description: Users will select the service description in this column.
33.Products Services: Users will select the product services in this column.