1) Bill Detail: This button will show billing details of the account.
2) Package(s): User will see the packages of gold and growth in this column.
3) License(s): It shows which license is assigned to the user.
4) Available License(s): It show the available license in this column.
5) Standard Charges: This field will show standard amount that will be charged depending on the number of users.
6) License Per Cost: It will show the license per cost of user license in this column.
7) Discount Amount: This column will show Discount Amounts of the user license which will be only visible if Promo Code is applied.
8) Net Payable: This field will show Net Monthly charges excluding discount amount..
9) Billing Cycle/Exp Date: This column will show Billing Cycle / Exp Date of user license.
10) Add User License: User click "Add User License" button then it will open new screen to create the record of add user license.
11) Remove User License: User click "Remove User License" button then it will open new screen to remove the user license record.
12) License Detail: User click "License Detail" button then it will open new screen to the detail of user license.
13) Next Page Button: This button will display records of next pages.
1.Description: User can see the Description name of Bill Details.
2.Bill Date: User can see Date of Billing in this column.
3.Amount: User can see amount of bill in this column.
4.Discount Amount: Users will enter discount amount based on the Promo Code in this field.
5.Amount Charged: User can see Amount Charged in this column.
6.Payment Status: User can see payment status in this field.
7.Transaction Date: User can see Transaction Date of billing in this column.
8.Detail: User click "Detail" button then it will open a new pop up window to show the detail.
9.Next Page button:This button will display records of next pages.
10.Items Per Page: Users can view how many items to show on single page available options are 5,10,20.
1.Description: User can see Description name in this column.
2.Promo Name: User can see Promo Name in this field.
3.Promo Code: Users will enter Promotion Code that will be used for discount in this field.
4.Discount Percentage: User can see Discount Percentage in this field.
5.License(s): User can see total number of License(s) in this field.
6.Standard Charged: User can see Standard Charged amount in this column.
7.Discount Amount: Users will enter discount amount based on the Promo Code in this field.
8.Net Total: This field will show Net Monthly charges excluding discount amount.
1.Number of License(s): User can Add Number of License(s) in this column.
2.Promo Code: Users will enter Promotion Code that will be used for discount in this field.
3.Promo Name: User can see Promo Name in this field.
4.Standard Charges: User can see Standard Charges of user license in this field.
5.Discount: Users will enter discount amount based on the Promo Code in this field.
6.Net Payable: User can see Net Payable amount of user license in this field.
7.Add: User click "Add" button then all user license record is added.
1.Which license do you want to remove:
2.License(s) to Remove:
1.License(s): User can see License number in this field.
2.Package: User can see Package name in this field.
3.Promo Name: User can see Promo Name in this field.
4.Promo Code: Users will enter Promotion Code that will be used for discount in this field.
5.Discount % Age: Users will enter discount amount based on the Promo Code in this field.
6.Date: User can see the Date of license in this field.
7.Next Page Button: Move to next page button.