1.Search Field: User can enter "Transaction number" in this search bar then it will show the record to write check.
2.Write Check: User click "Write Check" button then it will open new screen to Add the "Write Check" record.
3.Export to Excel: This button will Export your report to Excel file and it will be downloaded to your device.
4.Payee: User can see "Payee name" of write check in this column.
5.Txn Number: User can see "Txn number" of write check in this column.
6.Txn Date: User can see "Txn Date" of write check in this column.
7.Check Number: User can see auto generate "check number" of write check in this column.
8.Memo: User can see memo for the account in this field.
9.Amount: User can see "Total Amount" of write check in this column.
10.Edit Button: User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the Write check record.
1.Payee: User click dropdown and select "Payee" in this dropdown.
2.Bank Account: User click dropdown and select "Bank Account" in this dropdown.
3.Payment Date: From this field users will select the date of payment.
4.Txn Number: User can see "Txn number" in this field.
5.Mailing Address: User can enter "Mailing Address" in this text box.
6.Site/Location: User click dropdown and select "Location" in this dropdown.
7.Check No: User can auto generate "Check No" in this field.
8.REF No: User can enter "Ref No" in this field.
9.ACCOUNT:This column will show account names in drop down list users will select those account in which transaction amount will be saved.
10.AMOUNT: Users will enter expense amount of the account in this field.
11.MEMO: Users will enter memo for the account in this field.
12.CUSTOMER: This column will show customer names in drop down list.
13.BILLABLE: If bill have not been paid then users will tick this check box otherwise leave it blank.
14.DELETE: Users can delete a record from a list by clicking on this button.
15.Add More: Users can add more accounts by clicking on this button.
16.Expense Amount: This field will show total expense amount.
17.Total Amount: This field will show total amount including item amount.
18.Memo: Users will enter memo for the account in this field.
19.Save Changes: User click "Save Changes" button it will open a new "Edit" screen with different options here you Manipulate according to "Write Check" screen.
20.Save & New: If you click "Save and New", then is will redirect to create screen of Write Check after saving record.
21.Save & Exit: If you click "Save and Exist", then it will redirect to Write Check screen.
22.Print button: User click "Print" button then it will open new window to generate the Write Check Report.
23.Delete: Users can delete record from a Write Check screen on this button.
24.Copy: User click "Copy" button then it will create duplicate the same screen of "Write Check".
25.List All: User click "List All" button then it will redirect to main Write Check screen.
1.Download Icon: User click "Download icon" then it will download the report.
2.Print Icon: User click "Print icon" then it will Print the report.