1.Select Files: Users will click on this button to select the CSV & Excel file of the Vendor list.
2. Attach: Users will click on this button to attach the CSV & Excel files to the system.
3. Remove File: User will click the "Remove File" button then it will remove the Attach file.
4. Vendor Name: User click the dropdown and select the "Vendor Name".
5. Vendor Code: User click the dropdown and select the "Vendor Code".
6. First Name: User click the dropdown and select the "First Name".
7. Last Name: User click the dropdown and select the "Last Name".
8. Street Address: User click the dropdown and select the "Street Address".
9.City: Users click the dropdown and select the "City".
10. State: User click the dropdown and select the "State."
11.Zip Code: User click the dropdown and select the "Zip Code".
12. Country: User click the dropdown and select the "Country".
13.Phone: Users click the dropdown and select the "Phone".
14.Alt.Phone: User click the dropdown and select the "Alt Phone".
15. Fax: User click the dropdown and select the "Fax".
16. Contact Person: User click the dropdown and select the "Contact Person".
17. Contact Number: User click the dropdown and select the "Contact Number".
18.Email: User click the dropdown and select the "Email".
19. Name on Check: User clicks the dropdown and selects the "Name on Check".
20. Payment Method: User click the dropdown and select the "Payment Method".
21. Payment Term: Users click the dropdown and select the "Payment Term".
22. Opening Balance: User click the dropdown and select the "Opening Balance".
23.Tax ID: User clicks the dropdown and selects the "Tax ID".