To view the Item Sales / Purchase Tracking Report of Serialization, you need to open the Sales / Purchase Tracking Report screen.

Step 1. You can open the Sales/purchase Tracking Report screen

from left menu by clicking on Serialization ----->Reports ----> Sales/purchase Tracking

Step 2. Users click "Sales/Purchase Tracking" then it will open a new screen to generate the report of Sales/Purchase Tracking.

1.Search: The user can find his desire result.

2.Refresh:  If you want to remove the Search Result then click on the refresh button it will clear all the search results and show all the results.

3.IMEI: Users can see the "IMEI" number in this column.

4.Sale Date: Users can see the Date of "Sale" in this column.

5.Customer Name: Users can see the Name of the "Customer" in this Column.

6.Sale Price: User can see the "Sale Price" in this column

7.Sale No: Users can see the "Sale No" in this column.

8.Purchase Date: Users can see the Date of "Purchase" in this column.

9.Purchase Price: Users can see the "Purchase Price" in this column.

10. Purchase No: Users can see the "Purchase No" in this column.

1.Next Page button: Move to the next page button.

12.Items Per Page: Use to display the number of records per page.