Inventory Adjustment:

Inventory adjustments are increases, decreases, and revaluations made in inventory to account for the loss, breakages, and errors in the amount or number of items received.

Step 1. There is only one way to open the Adjust Quantity screen of the Advance Inventory that is from the left menu by clicking on Advance Inventory ------> Adjust Quantity.

Step 2.When we click Adjust Quantity, a new screen opens next to which we can create the new Adjust Quantity.

1.Doc Number: Unique system-generated number for every document. The ERP Gold software automatically assigns a unique number to every single document, it can not be edited by users and is never duplicated in the system.

2.Doc Date: The document date will be the date on the invoice. It is the date used for aging purposes and used to calculate the due date (based on the terms) and the date used for calculating discounts.

3.Reference Number: A reference number is a unique number assigned to each employee when their record is created in the software database.

4.Site / Location: Allow you to track the stock movement between two different locations. this screen uses the concept of transfer items which shows each stage of the stock journey starting from being removed from one location, being in transit, and then received in the destination location.

5. Search Product: Users can search the Item Code in this Search field.

6.Item Code: Item codes are used to uniquely identify your inventory items. Item codes also serve as a short form of the long item description.

7. Item Name: Item name is the actual name of your product or service

8. Current Quantity: The current quantity is the total amount of any given item that you currently have available for use or sale.

9. New Quantity: Users can enter the New Quantity of items in this field.

10. Difference: Users can see the Difference between current quantities and new quantities in this Field.

11. Current Value: Users can see the current value of the item in this Field.

12. New Value: Users can enter the new value for the item in this Field.

13. Value Difference: Users can see the difference between the current value and new value in this field.

14. Delete: Users click the "Delete" button then it will show the record is deleted.

15.IMEI: We can enter the IMEI number of serialized items in this text area.

16. Memo: Users can see text about items in this Field.

17. Save & Exit: If you click "Save & Exit", then it will redirect to the main adjustment screen.

18.Save & Print: If you click the "Save & Print" button then it will open a new screen to generate the report of Adjust Quantity.

19. Save & New: If you click "Save and New", then it will redirect to create a screen of adjustment after saving the record.

Step 3.  If you click "Save & Exit", then it will redirect to the main Inventory screen.

Step 4. Users can click the "IMEI" button then it will open a new pop up window to show the records of IMEI in Serialized Items.

IMEI W/O Batch Number:

1.IMEI Number: Users can see "IMEI Number" in Serialized Item.

2.Warehouse: Users can see the "Warehouse" name in this field.

3.Bin / Location: Users can see the "Location" in this field.

4.Unit Cost: Users can see "Unit cost" in this field.

5.Count: Users can see the total "IMEI Count" in this field.