Step 1. There is only one way to open "Payment Method" screen of Sale Module.

that is from left menu by clicking on Sale ------>  Setup  ------> Payment Method.

Step 2. User click "Payment Method"  then it will open new screen to "Payments Method" information.

1.Add Payment Method: User click "Add Payment Method" button then it will open new screen to Payment Method information.

2.ID: User can see auto generate "ID" in this column.

3.Name: User can see "Name" in this column.

4.Is Active: It will show the user is activated or deactivated.

5.Edit: User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the Payment Methods information.

Step 3. User click "Add Payment Method" button then it will open new screen to Payment Method information.

1.Name: User can enter the "Name" of Payment Method in this column.

2.Is Active: It will show the user is activated or deactivated.

3.Save: User click "Save" button then it will saved create screen.

4.Back to List: User click "Back to List" then it will redirect to the main Payment Method  screen. 

Step 4. User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the Payment Method information.

1.Name: User can Update the "Name" of Payment Method in this column.

2.Is Active: It will show the user is activated or deactivated.

3.Save: User click "Save" button then it will saved create screen.

4.Back to List: User click "Back to List" then it will redirect to the main Payment Method  screen.