Step 1. There is only one way to open the landed cost screen of the Advanced Inventory.
that is from the left menu by clicking on Advance Inventory---->Setup---->Landed cost

Step 2. Users click the "Landed Cost" button then it will open a new screen to "Add Landed Cost" information.

1. Add Landed Cost:  Users click the "Add Landed Cost" button, a new window open in which we can see the Landed cost record.

2.Cost Code: Landed cost codes are used to capture various types of landed costs. For each type of landed costs, your company may encounter, create a landed cost code to be used to enter and process that type od landed cost. Most landed costs are not fixed amounts associated with a specific inventory item.

3.Vendor Name: A vendor is a party in the supply chain that makes goods and services available to companies or consumers.

4.Edit Button: Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the previous record.

Step 3. Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the previous record.

1.Cost Code: Landed cost codes are used to capture various types of landed costs. For each type of landed costs, your company may encounter,create a landed cost code to be used to enter and process that type od landed cost. Most landed costs are not fixed amounts associated with a specific inventory item.

2. Description: Users can enter the "Description" of landed cost in this field.

3.Vendor: Users can select the one  "Vendor" in this dropdown list.  

4.Calculation Method: Users can select the "Calculation Method" of landed cost in this field.

5.Percentage: Users can enter the "Percentage" in this field.

6.Accrual Purchase Account: Users can select the "Accrual Purchase Account" in this Dropdown.

7.Purchase Price Variance Account: Users can select the "Purchase Price Variance Account" in this Dropdown.

8.Applicable to Line Item: Users can choose one of the 'Applicable to Line Item' in this dropdown.

9. Created By: When users save the record, we have to show created by in this header.

10. Date Time Created: Users save the record, we have date-time created in this header.

11. Modified By: When users save the record, we have to show Modified by in this header.

12. Date Time Modified: Users update our previous record, we have date-time in this header. 

13. Save & Exit: if you click "Save and Exit", then it will redirect to the index page of the 'Landed cost' screen.

14. Save & Continue: If you click "Save & Continue", then it will show you changes that you saved.