
Inventory refers to complete list of items and goods that are in stock, ERP Gold inventory module can manage your whole inventory system it is sub divided into Item Category, Item Master, Adjust Quantity, Reports.

Item Category

You have to create categories of your products for example if your business is related to food and beverages you can make categories like drinks, frozen food or any other type. Just click on Add New Record and enter all the required fields.

1.Add New Record: Users can add new record by clicking on this button.

2.ID: This column will show ID number of Inventory category.

3.Category Name: This column will show Category name of the products.

4.Is Active: This column will show inventory status if its active it will be true otherwise false.

5.Edit: This column will show Edit button next to each category users can click Edit to change the record.

6.Next Page Button: Users can view record on next pages by clicking on arrow keys.