1. Customer Name: User will update the Customer Name in this column.
2. Industry: User will select the Industry Name in this column.
3. Service: User will select the Services in this column.
4. Billing Street Address: User will enter the Billing Street Address in this column.
5. City: In this field enter the city name of the customer’s office.
6. ZipCode: Zip Code is based on area and location enter the zip code of the customer’s location in this field.
7. State/Province: In this field enter the state province info of your customer.
8. Country: Users will enter country name of the contact in this field.
9. Phone: User will enter the Phone Number in this column.
10. Fax: Not every person uses fax now but if its available enter its number in this field.
11. Primary SIC: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.
12. Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.
13. Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee in company.
14. Year Established: Year of established of lead.
15. Twitter: User will enter the twitter id in this column.
16. Linked In: User will enter the linked in control in this column.
17. FaceBook: User will enter the facebook id in this column.
18. Google Plus: User will enter the google plus account in this column.
19. First Name: User will enter the first name in this column.
20. Last Name: User will enter the last name in this column.
21. Mobile: User will enter the phone in this column.
22. Email: User will enter the email in this column.
23. Same as above: Check box "Same as above" will copy your customer data.
24. Address Name: User will enter the Address Name in this column.
25. Street Address: User enter the Street Address in this column.
26. City: User enter the City Name in this column.
27. ZipCode: User enter the Zip Code in this column.
28. State: User enter the State Name in this column.
29. Country: User enter the Country Name in this column.
30. Phone: In Phone field enter landline or mobile of the contact of your contact.
31. Fax: User enter the Fax Number in this column.
32. First Name: User enter the First Name in this column.
33. Last Name: User enter the Last Name in this column.
34. Email Address: User enter the Email Address in this column.
35. Opening Balance: This field will show you how much balance is left of that customer.
36. Opening Balance as of: User will select the date in this column.
37. Payment Method: You can choose customer payment method from this field it can be Cash, Check or Credit Card.
38. Payment Term: his field is for deciding the payment term three options are available Net0, Net15, Net30. Net0 = Payment on time, Net15= Payment in fifteen days, Net30 = Payment in thirty days.
39. Sales Tax Code: User will select the Sales tax code in this column.
40. Credit Limit: From this field you can decide how much credit a customer can take. Each customer can have different credit options.
41. Customer type: In this field users will select type of customer you can manually enter options from Home----->Setup----->Customer Type and then select it in this field.
42. Sales Rep: Users will select sales representative who will be dealing with this customer you will only see drop down list with names to enter names go to Home ------>Setup------>Sales Rep and enter names of those persons who are your sales representatives.
43. Resale Number: In this field enter resale number of your customer.
44. Date Time Created: This field will be automatically generated by the system it will display date and time of the record being entered.
45. Date Time Modified: This filed will show date and time when data was last modifed.
46. Is Active: This field will display only two options in drop down list True & False. If your customer is active and still doing business with you then select True Otherwise False.
47. Is Customer onHold: User select the "Yes or No" option then it will show the Customer on hold or nor.
48. Save: Users will click Save at the end when all details have been entered.
49. Save & Continue: If you click "Save & Continue", then is will redirect to create screen after saving record.