Step 1. Click on any lead it will open the detail screen where you can make changes in the lead.

Step 2. Here you can make changes in different section of lead according to their need.

1. Main Address Screen

1. Company Name: Users can change the Company Name in this column.

2. Street Address: Users can change the Street Address in this column.

3.City: Users can change the City in this column.

4. Zip Code: Users can change the Zip Code in this column.

5. Country: Users can change the Country in this column.

6. State: Users can change the State in this column.

7. Phone: Users can change the Phone number in this column.

8. Fax: Users can change the Fax in this column.

9. Email: Users can change Email Address in this column.

10. Web URL: Users can change the Web URL in this column.

11. Save: Save all records.

2. Company Profile Screen.

1. Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. 

2. Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is a 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.

3. Corporate Employee Size: Number of employees in the company.

4. Year Established: Year of established of lead.

5. Twitter: Users can update the Twitter id in this column.

6. Linked In: Users can update the linked in control in this column. 

7. Facebook: Users can update the Facebook id in this column.

8. Google Plus: Users can enter the google plus account in this column.

9. Save: Save all records.

3. Lead Details Screen.

1. Lead Status: It will select leads on the basis of their status.

2. Lead Source: It will select leads according to source.

3. Lead Assigned To: User can assign to other persons.

4. Lead Generated By: Users can change the lead maker.

Step 3. Users click the "Select or Add New Contact" button then open the pop-up window and add the information.

1. First Name: Users can enter the First Name in this column.

2. Last Name: Users can enter the Last Name in this column.

3. Street Address: Users can enter the Street Address in this column.

4. City: Users can enter the City in this column.

5. Zip Code: Users can enter the Zip Code in this column.

6. Select Country: Users can select the Country Name in this dropdown list.

7. State: Users can enter the State Name in this column. 

8. Title: Users can enter the Title Name in this column.

9. Select Role: Users can select roles in this dropdown list.

10. Primary Contact: Users can enter the Primary Contact in this column.

11. Secondary Phone: Users can enter the Secondary phone in this column.

12. Primary Mobile: Users can enter the Primary Mobile number in this column.

13. Secondary Mobile: Users can enter the Secondary Mobile number in this column.

14. Primary Email Address: Users can enter the Primary Email Address in this column.

15. Secondary Email Address: Users can enter the Secondary Email Address in this column.

16. Select Tick box: Users tick the check box then it will show that users are primary contact.

17. Save: Save all record.

Step 4.Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the existing record.

1. First Name: Users can change the First Name in this column.

2. Last Name: Users can change the Last Name in this column.

3. Street Address: Users can change the Street Address in this column. 

4. City: Users can change the City in this column.

5. Zip Code: Users can change the Zip Code in this column.

6. Select Country: Users can select the Country Name in this dropdown list.

7. State: Users can change the State Name in this column. 

8. Title: Users can change the Title Name in this column.

9. Select Role: Users can select a role in this dropdown list.

10. Primary Contact: Users can change the Primary Contact in this column.

11. Secondary Phone: Users can change the Secondary phone in this column.

12. Primary Mobile: Users can change the Primary Mobile number in this column.

13. Secondary Mobile: User cans change the Secondary Mobile number in this column.

14. Primary Email Address: Users can change the Primary Email Address in this column.

15. Secondary Email Address: Users can change the Secondary Email Address in this column.

16. Select Tick box: Users can tick the check box then it will show that user are primary contact.

17. Save: Save all record.

Step 5. Users click the "Add Note" button than open a pop-up window screen and add the notes information.

1. Contact Medium: User select the Contact Medium in this column.

2. Other Means:

3. Date Entered: User select the Date and Time in this column.

4. Action Date: User select Date and Time to perform the action in this column.

5. Meeting Invite: User enter Email Address in this column and send the email to the invitation of meeting.


7. Change Lead Status: It will change leads on the basis of their status.

8. Change Lead Assigned To: User can change lead assign to other persons.

9. Save: Save all records.

Step 6. Users click the "Convert to Customer" button then open a new screen to show the customer information.

1. Customer Name: User will update the Customer Name in this column.

2. Industry: User will select the Industry Name in this column.

3. Service: User will select the Services in this column.

4. Billing Street Address: User will enter the Billing Street Address in this column.

5. City: User will enter the City in this column.

6. ZipCode: User will enter the Zip Code in this column.

7. State/Province: User will enter the State / Province in this column.

8. Country: User will enter the Country Name in this column.

9. Phone: User will enter the Phone Number in this column.

10. Fax: User will enter the Fax Number in this column.

11. Primary SIC: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.

12. Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.

13. Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee in company.

14. Year Established: Year of established of lead.

15. Twitter: User will enter the twitter id in this column.

16. Linked In: User will enter the linked in control in this column. 

17. FaceBook: User will enter the facebook id in this column.

18. Google Plus: User will enter the google plus account in this column.

19. First Name: User will enter the first name in this column.

20. Last Name: User will enter the last name in this column.

21. Mobile: User will enter the phone in this column.

22. Email: User will enter the email in this column.

23. Same as above: Check box "Same as above" will copy your customer data.

24. Address Name: User will enter the Address Name in this column.

25. Street Address: User enter the Street Address in this column.

26. City: User enter the City Name in this column.

27. ZipCode: User enter the Zip Code in this column.

28. State: User enter the State Name in this column.

29. Country: User enter the Country Name in this column.

30. Phone: User enter the Phone Number in this column.

31. Fax: User enter the Fax Number in this column.

32. First Name: User enter the First Name in this column.

33. Last Name: User enter the Last Name in this column.

34. Email Address: User enter the Email Address in this column.

35. Opening Balance: User will enter the Opening Balance in this column.

36. Opening Balance as of: User will select the date in this column.

37. Payment Method: User will select the Payment Method in this column.

38. Payment Term: User will select the Payment Term in this column.

39. Sales Tax Code: User will select the Sales tax code in this column.

40. Credit Limit: User will enter the Credit Limit in this column.

41. Customer type: User will select the Customer type in this column.

42. Sales Rep: User will select the Sales Rep in this column.

43. Resale Number: User will enter the Resale Number in this column.

44. Date Time Created: User will see the Date Time Created in this column.

45. Date Time Modified: User will see the Date time modified in this column.

46. Is Active: It will show the user is activated or diactivated.

47. Is Customer onHold: User select the "Yes or No" option then it will show the Customer on hold or nor.

48. Save: If you click "Save" button then saved all record.

49. Save & Continue: If you click "Save & Continue", then is will redirect to create screen after saving record.