Step 1.To add users that can use ERP Gold you need to go onto the User Management page from left menu by clicking on Administration then User Management.

Step 2. Once you are on User Management page click on Blue button that says “Add User”.

1.Gold Package: This package based on number of users.

2.Assign Users: It is displaying total assigned user.

3.Total Number Of Users: It is displaying total number of User.

4.Growth Package: This package based on number of modules.

5.Assign Module: It is displaying total assign of module.

6.Total Number Of Module: It is displaying total number of modules.

7.Add User: Users will enter new user record from this button.

8.User Name: This column will show email addresses which are used as user names for logging into the system.

9.License(s): It shows which license is assigned to the user. 

10.Setup: Which role is assigned to the user.

11.Change Role: Change to the user role.

12.Edit: This button will edit the current user record.

13.Reset Password: This button will reset user lost password.

14.Next Page Button: Move to next page.

15.Items Per Page: Users can view how many items to show on single page available options are 5,10,20.

Step 3. User click "Add User" button then it will open new screen to enter the new record of user.

You just have to enter user email and set password for it and some necessary information for the user click save at the end.

1.First Name: User will enter the first name in this field.

2.Last Name: User will enter the last name in this field.

3.Email / Login: User will enter the email in this field.

4.Title: User will enter the title in this field.

5.Password: User will enter the password in this field.

6.Confirm Password: User will enter the confirm password in this field.

7.Selection Tick Box: Click the tick box then it will auto generate company address.

8.Street Address: User will enter the street address in this field.

9.City: Users will enter city name of the user in this field.

10.ZipCode / PostalCode: Users will enter zip code of the user in this field.

11.State / Province: Users will select state of the user location from this drop down list.

12.Country: Users will select country of the user from this list.

13.Work Phone: Users will enter phone number of the user in this list.

14.Mobile: User will enter the mobile number in this column.

15.Save: Users will save record for the new user by clicking on this button.

16.Back to List: Back to the main screen.