1.Add Purchase Order: User click "Add Purchase Order" button then it will open new screen to create the information of "Purchase Order".
2.Open: User click dropdown and select the filter option.
3.PO Number: User can see "PO number" in this column.
4.Vendor Name: User can see "Vendor name" in this column.
5.Date: User can see the "Date" in this column.
6.PO Total: User can see the "PO total" amount in this column.
7.Status: User can see "Status" in this column.
8.Edit Button: User click "Edit button" then it will open new screen to update the information of "Purchase Order".
1.Vendor: Users click dropdown and select the Vendor.
2.Drop To: User click dropdown and select the Recipient.
3.Document Date: Users will select the Purchase Order Document Date from this field.
4.Txn Number: User can see "Txn number" in this column.
5.Shipping Method: Users will select the Shipping Method from this drop down list.
6.Payment Term: Users will select the Payment Term in which the amount has to be paid.
7.Due Date: Users will select the Purchase Order Due Date from this field.
8.PO Status: When users will create a Purchase Order this field will display Open status.
9.Mailing Address: This field will show Mailing Address of the Vendor.
10.Shipping Address: This field will show Shipping Address of the Customer.
11.Site / Location: User click dropdown and select the "Site / Location".
12.Work Order Number: User enter the work order number in this field.
13.Item: This column will show Item list.
14.Description: This column will have Description field where users can write some description about the Item.
15.Qty: Users will enter Quantity of Item in this field.
16.Bal Qty: User can see "Bal Qty" of purchase order in this column.
17.Rate: Users will write Rate of single quantity of an Item in this field.
18.Amount: This field will show total amount of an item.
19.Customer: User click dropdown and select the Customer from this dropdown.
20.Delete Button: This button will delete the selected item from the list.
21.Add More: This button will add more items to the Purchase Order list.
22.Sub Total: This filed will show subtotal of all the items.
23.Total: This field will show total of all the items.
24.Memo: Users will write Memo for this transaction in this field.
25.Vendor Message: Users will enter Vendor Message in this field.
26.Save & Exit: If you click "Save and Exist", then it will redirect to list page of Purchase Order.
27.Save & Continue: If you click "Save and Continue", then it will show you continue that you saved.
28.Receive Item: User click Receive Item" button then it will open new screen to show the information of "Receive Item".
29.Receipts: User click "Receipts" button then it will open new pop up window to show the "Receipts" information.
30.Print: User click "Print" button then it will open new window to show the report of Purchase Order.
31.Delete: User click "Delete" button then it will deleted create screen.
32.Copy: User click "Copy" button then it will create duplicate the same screen of Purchase Order.
33.Send Email: User click "Send Email"button then it will show the format of Email.
34.Upload File: User click "Upload" button then it will upload the image in this field.
1.Receipt /Receipt & Bill: From this drop down list users can create Received Inventory record for Received Item only or if bill is generated then for Received Item & Bill.
2.Document Date: Users will select the document date of this transaction from this field.
3.Reference Number: Users can write Reference number for this transaction in this field.
4.Txn Number: This field will show transaction number of the Receive Inventory which will be auto generated by the system.
5.Vendor: Users will select Vendor name from this drop down list.
6.Purchase Order: Users will select the Purchase Order for which you are receiving inventory.
7.Site/Location: Here you can change warehouse of your inventory.
8.Bill Received: If users have received the bill then tick this check box.
9.Mailing Address: This field will display mailing address of the vendor.
10.Memo: Users will enter Memo for the transaction in this field.
11.Account: This column will show list of accounts in which you want to save your transaction amount.
12.Amount: This column will show expense amount of the account.
13.Memo: This column will have fields for every account users can write Memo in it.
14.Customer: Users will select the customer from this drop down list.
15.Billable: If item is billable then check this tick box.
16.Delete: This button will delete the selected account.
17. Add More: This button will Add More accounts to the list.
18.Expense Amount: This field will show Total Expense Amount of accounts.
19.Total: This field will show total amount of the item.
20. Bill Due: Its a bill of your total item in inventory.
21.Save & Exit: If you click "Save & Exit" button then it will move the item list in vendor center page.
22. Save & Continue: If you click "Save & Continue", then it will show you changes that you saved.
23.Save & Create New: If you click "Save and New", then it will redirect to "Edit" screen after saving record.
24.Transaction List: If you click the "Transaction List" button then it will show to redirect the main received item page.
1.Txn Number: User can see auto generated Txn Number in this column.
2.Print: If you click "Print" button then it will generate the item report.
3.Delete: If you click "Delete" button then it will all the record is deleted.
4.Transaction List: If you click the "Transaction List" button then it will show to redirect the main received item page.
1.Received Item: User click "Received Item" button then it will open new screen to Add the information of "Received Item".
2.Search field: User search by "Vendor Name" and "Transaction number" in this search bar.
3.Txn Number: User can see Txn Number in this column.
4.Type: User can see "Type" of received item in this column.
5.Vendor Name: User can see "Vendor name" of received item in this column.
6.PO Number: User can see "PO Number" in this column.
7.Doc Date: User can see "Doc Date" of receive item in this column.
8.Due Date: User can see "Due Date" of receive item in this column.
9.Total Amount: User can see "Total amount" of receive item in this column.
10.Amount Due: User can see "Amount Due" of receive item in this column.
1.Add Item: User click "Add Item" button then it will open new screen to create the "Add Item" information.
2.Keyword: User will select the keyword in dropdown list.
3.Contains: This dropdown list work in selected to the "Quantity fields".
4.Search Field: User will search the data in this column.
5.Search Button: After enter the search data in search bar, User click "Search Button" it will show search record.
6.Refresh Button: User will click the refresh button then search bar is refresh.
7.Select Warehouse: User click dropdown and select the "Warehouse" from this dropdown.
8.Active Only Dropdown: User will click the active only dropdown list then it will show all active user and only active user.
9.Code: User will enter the code in this column.
10.Name: User will enter the name in this column.
11.Type: User will enter the type of field in this column.
12.Avg Unit Cost: User will enter the avg unit cost in this column.
13.Sell Price: User will enter the sell price in this column.
14. Quantity On hand: User will enter the quantity on hand in this column.
15. Quantity Allocated: User will enter the quantity allocated in this column.
16. Quantity On Purchase Order: User will enter the quantity on purchase order in this column.
17. Quantity On Production: User will enter the quantity on production in this column.
18.History: User click the history button then it will show all the history details of user.
19.Location: User click the location button then it will show all the location details of item.
20.BarCode: User will click the bar code button then it will show the bar code item in this column.
1.Txn Number: User can see "Txn Number" of Purchase Order in this pop up.
2.Vendor: User can see "Vendor Name" of Purchase Order in this pop up.
3.PO Number: User can see "PO Number" in this field.
4.Doc Date: User can see "Doc Date" in this field.
5.Total Amount: User can see "Total Amount" in this field.
1.Download Icon: User click "Download icon" then it will download the report.
2.Print Icon: User click "Print icon" then it will Print the report.