Step 1. There is only one way to open IMEI Stages / Department screen of Serialization.

 That is from left menu by clicking on Serialization ......> Setup ......> IMEI Stages / Departments.

Step 2. User click " IMEI Stages / Department" button then it will open new screen to Add Departments.

1. Add Department / Stage: User click "Add Department / Stage" button then it will open new screen to Add Department information.

2. Stage / Department: User can see Department in this field.

3.Is Active: This field will display only two options in drop down list True & False. If your customer is active with you then select True Otherwise False.

4. Edit: User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the IMEI Departments.

Step 3. User click "Add Department / Stage" button then it will open new screen to Add Department information.

1.IMEI Tracking Stage / Department: User can enter the new "IMEI Tracking Stage / Department" name.

2.Is Active: This field will display only two options in drop down list True & False. If your customer is active with you then select True Otherwise False.

3.Save: If you click "Save" button then it will saved all record.

4. Back to List: Back to main index page.

Step 4. User click "Edit" button then it will open new screen to update the IMEI Departments.

1.IMEI Tracking Stage / Department: User can update the "IMEI Tracking Stage / Department" name.

2.Is Active: This field will display only two options in drop down list True & False. If your customer is active with you then select True Otherwise False.

3.Save: If you click "Save" button then it will saved all record.

4. Back to List: Back to main index page.