Customer Statement (Reports)

In Customer Business Summary you can view complete transactions of all your customers but in Customer Statement module you have to select a specific customer to see his record.

Step 1. There is only one way to open "Customer Statement" screen of Sale Module.

that is from left menu by clicking on Sale ------>  Report  ------> Customer Statement Report.

Step 2. User click "Customer Statement"  then it will open new screen to "Customer Statement " report information.

1.Customer: User will select the customer from this drop down list.

2.Go: User can select the "Customer" and then click on "Go" button it will show the report.

3.Print Report: Users can print Customer Statement report from this button.

Step 3. User click "Print Report" button then it will open new window to show Customer Statement Report.

1.Download icon: Users can print Customer Statement report from this button.

2.Print Icon: Users can print Customer Statement report from this button.