Step 1. To Create the "Customer" first you need to go to the "customer Center" page.

Which can be accessed from the left menu by clicking on 'Sales' than the customer center.

Step 2. You can "Edit" customer record from the "Customer Center" window by selecting the "Customer" from the left table and clicking on the "Edit" button from the right table.

1.Customer Button: Customers button can show your customer list its opening balance and data on the right side table. 

2.Transaction Button: This button will show the transaction list and other options which are explained on the transaction heading below.

3.Adv.Search: This button will show advance options in this portion.

4. Search Field: In this field, users can search company names who are already their customers.

5.Search: Search Button: After entering the search term in the search field users will click the search button to generate the search results.

6.Refresh: After doing a one-time search if users want to search another term then click on the Refresh button.

7.Show InActive: User can select "Checkbox" then it will show to the active customer. 

8.Customer List: This table will display the customer list by default you can search for your terms from the search field.

9.Open Balance: This table will display the opening balance of the customers if its present otherwise it will be zero.

10.Add Customer Button: Users click the "Add Customer" button a new form window will open where you have to enter your "Customer" details.

11.Edit: Users click the "Edit" button then it will update the customer center screen. 

12.Customer Name: This term will depend on the left side table when users will select a customer on the left side its data will be displayed on this table. The customer name will be the name of the person dealing with that company.

13.Industry: Customer's "Industry" name will be displayed in this header.

14.Street Address: Customers "Street Address" will be displayed in this header.

15.City: Customer's city name will be displayed in this header.

16.State/Province: Customer's "State/Province" name will be displayed in this header.

17.ZipCode: Customer's "ZipCode" will be displayed in this header.

18.Phone: Customer's "Phone Number" will be displayed in this header. 

19.Alt.Phone: Alternate phone is used by users to contact their customers when the main phone number is not working if data is entered for Alt Phone it will be displayed here.

20.Fax: Customer "Fax" number will be displayed in the Fax header.

21.Email: Customer Email address will be display here.

22.Primary SIC: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.

23.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is a 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.

24.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employees will be displayed here in this header.

25.Year Established: Year of established of the customer will be displayed here.

26.Twitter: A Twitter account will be displayed in this header.

27.Linked In: Linked In account will be displayed in this header.

28.FaceBook: A FaceBook account will be displayed in this header.

29.Google Plus: Google Plus account will be displayed in this header. 

30. First Name: First name of the customer will be displayed in this header.

31.Last Name: Last name of the customer will be displayed in this header.

32.Mobile: Customer's Mobile number will be displayed here.

33.Email: Customer's Email address will be display here.

34.Emils: Customer's Email address will be display here.

35.Date: Date of the "Email" will be displayed here.

36.From: This is a sender Email id that will be displayed here.

37.To: This is the Recipient Email id will be displayed here.

38.Subject: Subject of the Email address will be displayed here.

39.Add Note: Users click the "Add Note" button then it will open a new pop up window to add the "Add Note" information.

40.Notes: Customer "Notes" will be displayed here.

41.Medium: Customer "Contact Medium" will be displayed here.

42.Entered Date: Customer "Entered Date" will be displayed here.

43.Action Date: Customer "Action Date" will be displayed here.

Step 4. If we click the "Edit Customer" Button a new form window will open where you have to update your 'Customer Detail'.

1.Customer Name: Users can enter customer name in this field.

2.Industry: Users can choose one of the 'Industry' of the customer in this field.

3.Service: Users can choose one of the 'Services' of the customer in this field.

4.Billing Street Address: Users can enter the 'Billing Street Address' of the customer in this field.

5.City: Users can enter the 'City' name of the customer in this field.

6.ZipCode: Users can enter the 'ZipCode' of the customer’s location in this field.

7.State/Province: Users can choose one of the 'State/Province' names of the customer in this dropdown.

8.Country: Users can choose one of the 'Country' names of the customer in this dropdown.

9.Phone: Users can enter the 'Phone' number of the customer in this field.

10.Fax: Users can enter the 'Fax' number of the customer in this field.

11.Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.

12.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is a 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.

13.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employees in the company.

14.Year Established: Year of established of Customer.

15.Twitter: Users can enter the twitter id of the customer in this field.

16.Linked In: Users can enter the linked id of the customer in this field. 

17.Facebook: Users can enter the Facebook id of the customer in this field.

18.Google Plus: Users can enter the google plus id of the customer in this field.

19.First Name: Users can enter the 'First name' of the customer in this field.

20.Last Name: Users can enter the 'Last name' of the customer in this field.

21.Mobile: Users can enter the 'Mobile' in this field.

22.Email: Users can enter the 'Email' in this field.

23.Open Balance: Users can enter the 'Opening Balance' for the customer in this field.

24.Payment Method: Users can choose one of the 'Payment Method' of the customer in this field.

25.Payment Term: User select "Payment Term" of the customer in this dropdown list.

26.Sales Tax Code: Users will enter sales tax code id for the customer in this field.

27.Credit Limit: Users will enter credit limit for the customer in this field.

28.Customer Type: Users can select "Customer type" in this dropdown list.

29.Sales Rep: User can select "Sales Rep" of the customer in this dropdown list.

30.Resale Number: Users will enter "Resale Number" in this field.

31.Date Time Created: This field will show current date and time when record is being created.

32.Date Time Modified: This field will show date and time when data was modified last time.

33.Is Active: Users will select status of the customer from this drop down list.

34.Is Customer OnHold: This link will take you back to the customer list

35.Save This button will "save" your customer to the list.

36.Save & Continue: If you click "Save and Continue", then it will show you continue that you saved.

37.Job Button: User click "Job" button then it will open a new screen to Add Customer record.

38.Delete Button: User click "Delete" button then it will deleted all updated customer record.

39.Add Shipping Address Button: User click "Add Shipping Address" button then it will open a new pop up window to Add the "Shipping Address" information.

40.Address Name: User can see "Address Name" in this field.

41.First Name: User can see "First Name" in this field.

42.Last Name: User can see "Last Name" in this field.

43.Street Address: User can see "Street Address" for Shipment in this field.

44.City: User can see "City" for shipment in this field.

45.Zip Code: User can see "Zip Code" in this field.

46.Phone: User can see "Phone" number in this field.

47.Edit Button: User click "Edit" button then it will open a new screen to update the "Shipping Address" information.

48.Add Note Button: User click "Add Note" button then it will open a new pop up window to Add the "Add Note" information. 

49.Notes: Customer "Notes" will be displayed here.

50.Medium: Customer "Contact Medium" will be displayed here.

51.Entered Date: Customer "Entered Date" will be displayed here.

52.Action Date: Customer "Action Date" will be displayed here.

53.Add to Calendar: User can see "Add to Calendar" options in this field. 

Step 5. Users click the "Job" button than open a new screen to the "Add Child Customer" record.

1.Customer Name: Users will enter customer name in this field.

2.Industry: Users will enter industry of the customer in this field.

3.Service: Users will enter services of the customer in this field.

4.Billing Street Address: Users will enter billing street address of the customer in this field.

5.City: Users will enter city name of the customer in this field.

6.ZipCode: Users will enter zip code of the customer’s location in this field.

7.State/Province: Users will enter State/Province name of the customer in this field.

8.Country: Users will select country name of the customer from this drop down list.

9.Phone: Users will enter Phone number of the customer in this field.

10.Fax: Users will enter Fax number of the customer in this field.

11.Primary SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment.

12.Primary NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by businesses and governments to classify and measure economic activity in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAICS is 6-digit code system that is currently the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments.

13.Corporate Employee Size: Number of employee in company.

14.Year Established: Year of established of Customer.

15.Twitter: User will enter the twitter id in this column.

16.Linked In: User will enter the linked in control in this column. 

17.Facebook: User will enter the Facebook id in this column.

18.Google Plus: User will enter the google plus account in this column.

19.First Name: User will enter the first name in this column.

20.Last Name: User will enter the last name in this column.

21.Mobile: User will enter the mobile in this column.

22.Email: User will enter the email in this column.

23.Same as above: User can select this "Check box" then it will be selected by default which means to the above "Customer" portion.

24.Address Name: Users will select the address type from this list “Main” will be selected by default which means this is the main address of the customer.

25.Street Address: Users will enter street address of the customer for shipping it can be same as you have written in the Customer Info.

26.City: Users will enter city name of the customer where shipment has to be made.

27.Zip Code: Users will enter Zip Code of the customer’s location where shipment have to be made.

28.State: Users will choose the State Name of the customer for shipping.

29.Country:  Users will choose Country of the Customer for shipping.

30.Phone: Users will enter phone number of the customer where shipment have to be made.

31.Fax: Users will enter Fax number in this field where items/products will be shipped this field is not necessary because some customers don’t use Fax.

32.First Name: Users will enter first name of the customer to whom shipment will be done this can be same as you have written in the customer info.

33.Last Name: Users will enter last name of the customer to whom shipment will be done.

34.Email Address: In this field users will enter Email address of the customer where items/products will be shipped.

35.Opening Balance: Users will enter opening balance for the customer in this field.

36.Opening Balance Date:  Users will enter opening balance date of the customer in this field. 

37.Payment Method: Users will enter payment method of the customer in this field.

38.Payment Term: User select "Payment Term" of the customer in this dropdown list.

39.Sales Tax Code: Users will enter sales tax code id for the customer in this field.

40.Credit Limit: Users will enter credit limit for the customer in this field.

41.Customer Type: Users can select "Customer type" in this dropdown list.

42.Sales Rep: User can select "Sales Rep" of the customer in this dropdown list.

43.Resale Number: Users will enter "Resale Number" in this field.

44.Date Time Created: This field will show current date and time when record is being created.

45.Date Time Modified: This field will show date and time when data was modified last time.

46.Is Active: Users will select status of the customer from this drop down list.

47.Is Customer OnHold: This link will take you back to the customer list

48.Save This button will "save" your customer to the list.

49.Save & Continue: If you click "Save and Continue", then it will show you continue that you saved.

Step 6. Users click the "Add Shipping Address" button than open a new pop up window to Add the "Shipping Address" information.

1.Address Name: Users can enter "Address Name" for shipping addresses in this field.   

2.Customer Name: Users enter the "Customer Name" in this field.

3.First Name: Users enter the "First Name" in this field.

4.Last Name: Users enter the "Last Name" in this field.

5.Street Address: Users enter the "Street Address" in this field.

6.City: Users enter the "City" name in this field.

7.Zip Code: Users enter the "Zip Code" in this field.

8.Country: Users enter the "Country" name in this field.

9.State: Users enter the "State" name in this field.

10.Phone: Users enter the "Phone" number in this field.

11.Alt.Phone: Users enter the "Alternate Phone" number in this field.

12.Fax: Users enter the "Fax" number in this field.

13.Email: Users enter the "Email" address in this field.

14.Is Active: Users can select the status of the customer from this drop-down list.

15.Is Address Shipping: Users can select the status of the "Shipping Address" from this drop down list.

16.Save: User click "Save" button then all the record is saved.

Step 7. Users click the edit button of 'Shipping Address' then we have a new screen open that we can update the existing record.

Step 8. Users click the "Add Note" button than open a new pop up window to "Add Note" information. 

1.Contact Medium: Users can select the type of "Contact Medium" in this field.

2.Other Means: No Edit:

3.Entered Date: User can select "Entered Date" in this field.

4.Action Date: User can select to perform "Action Date" in this field.

5.Meeting Invite: Users can send Messages to "Email".

6.Comments: Users can enter the "Description" in this field.