Item Button (Enter Bill)

Item button will show item options for the bill.

1.ITEM: This column will show item list.

2.DESCRIPTION: Users can write description of an item in this column fields.

3.QTY: Users will write quantity of an item in this field.

4.Rate: Users will write amount of single quantity of an item in this field.

5.Amount: This field will show total amount of an item.

6.Customer: Users will select customer from this drop down list.

7.Billable: If item is billable then tick this check box.

8.Selection Tick Box: Users will tick this box if they are selecting multiple items from the list.


10.Delete: This button will delete selected item from the list.

11.Add More: This button will add more items to the list.

12.Item Amount: This field will show total amount of all items.


14.Bill Due: This filed will show total due amount of the bill.

15.Save & Exit::

14.Save & Continue:

15.Save & Create New:

16.Transaction List: