1.Product / Service: Users will enter Product or Services name for which they want data to be searched.
2.Zip or City or State: Users will enter the zip code of states in which data will be searched.
3.Search: After entering the product/services and zip code information users will click on search button to execute the search.
4.Clear: This button will clear your search terms so you can search for other terms.
5.Business Name: This column will display prospect names.
6.Street: This column will display the street addresses of the prospects.
7.City: This column will display the city names of the prospects.
8.Zip: This column will display zip codes of the prospects.
9.State: This column will display name of states of prospects.
10.Contact: This column will display contact details of the prospect.
11.Checkbox: This column will show checkboxes next to each prospect record you can select those prospects which you want to add in leads by clicking on Add to Leads button.
12.Next Page Button: Move to next page.
1.Business Name / Category: In this search field users will enter the name of the business for which they want data to be displayed.
2.Address: In this search field users will enter the address of the business.
3.City: In this search field users will enter the name of the city where business is located.
4.ZIPCode: In this search field users will enter the zip code of the location where business is located.
5.State: Users will select the state from this drop down list where business is located.
6.Search: This button will begin your search and results will be displayed in below table.
7.Clear: This button will clear your search terms.
8.Business Name: This column will display name of the prospect.
9.Address: This column will display the address of the prospect.
10.City: This column will display city name of the prospect.
11.ZIP Code: This column will display zip code of the location where the prospect is located.
12.State: This column will display state name where the prospect is located.
13.Contact: This column will display name of the person to contact with his phone number.
14.Checkbox: This column will show checkboxes next to each prospect record you can select those prospects which you want to add in leads by clicking on Add to Leads button.
15.Next Page button: Move to next page.
1.Base Category: User will select the base category in this column.
2.Sub Category: User will select the sub category in this column.
3.Business Name: User will enter the business name in this column.
4.Address: User will enter the address in this column.
5.City: User will enter the city in this column.
6.State Code: User will select the state code in this column.
7.ZIP Code: User will enter the postal code in this column.
8.Employee Size: User will enter the number of employee in company.
9.Sales Volume: User will select the sales volume in this column.
10.Search: User click the search button then it will show the all details.
11.Clear: User click the clear button then all detail is remove.
12.Export to Excel: User click the export to excel button then it download the file.
13.Business Name: User will see the business name in this column.
14.Address: User will see the address in this column.
15.City: User will see the city in this column.
16.ZIP Code: User will see the postal code in this column.
17.State: User will see the state in this column.
18.Contact: User will see the contact info in this column.
19.Checkbox: You can also add your prospects to leads by ticking the selection checkbox and clicking on Add to Leads button.
20.Next Page Button: Move to next page.
21. Add Lead: This button will add searched prospects to leads by ticking the checkbox next to prospects.