Step 1. There is only one way to open Unit of Measure screen of Advance Inventory

that is from left menu by clicking on Advance Inventory ------>  Setup  ------> Unit of Measure

Step 2. User click "Unit of Measure" then it will open new screen to see the user.

1.Add UOM: User click "UOM" button then it will open new screen to Add the information of "UOM".

2.ID: User can see "ID" in this field.

3.Name: User can see the "Name" in this field.

4.Unit: User can see the total number of "Unit" in this field.

5.Edit: User click "Edit" button then it will update the "UOM" information.

Step 3. User click "Edit" button then it will update the "UOM" information.

1.Name: User update the "Name" in this field.

2.Unit: User update the total number of "Unit" in this field.

3.Save & Exit: If you click "Save and Exist", then it will redirect to list page of "Unit of Measure" screen.

4.Save & Continue: If you click "Save & Continue", then is will redirect to create screen after saving record.