Receipt Allocation: 

The process of allocating customer receipts is the matching of a receipt received from a customer against the relevant customer invoice issued to received.

Step 1.To enter the Receipt Allocation record you need to first go onto the Receive Payment screen.

From the left menu by clicking on 'Sales' then 'Customer Center', Open to the new page and click the 'Transaction' tab to show the 'Payments' options.

1.Receive Payment: Users click the  'Receive Payment' button, a new window open in which we can enter the new receive payment record.

2.Receipt Allocation: Users click the  Receipt Allocation button, a new window open in which we can enter the new receipt allocation record.

3.Export to Excel: Users click on the 'Export To Excel' button, we get the Excel File downloaded.

4.Export to PDF: Users click on the 'Export To PDF' button, we get the PDF File downloaded.

5.Txn Number: The transaction is a special set of numbers that defines each transaction. The transaction ID is always unique, which means that there are no transaction IDS that are the same

6.Date: Users can see the "Date" of Receive payment in this field.

7.Total Amount: Users can see "Total Amount" of Receive Payment in this field. 

8.Unused Payment: Users can see the  "Unused payment" in this field. 

9.Edit: Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the existing record.

Step 2. Users click the 'Receipt Allocation' button, a new window in which we can enter the new receipt allocation record.

1.Customer: Users can choose one of the 'Customer' in this dropdown.

2.Date: Users can set the date of 'Receipt Allocation'.

3.Return/Payment Transaction: This will show that returns and payments are not allocated. 

4.Amount: Users can see the 'Amount' of payment.

5.Auto Apply Payment: Auto payment will allocate the invoices one by one according to the amount of payment.

6.Description: which invoice we are allocating it is showing its description.

7.Due Date: Users can set the 'Due Date' of the payment.

8.ORIG.AMT: Users can see the 'Orignal Amount' of this invoice in this column.

9.AMT.DUE: Users can see the 'Amount Due' of this invoice in this column.

10.DISC.AMT: Empty.

11.Payment: Users can see the total amount of payment allocation.

12. Amount Due: Users can see the total 'Amount Due' in this field.

13. Amount Applied: Total paid amount will be shown in this field.

14.Save: User click the Save button, then all record saved.

Step 3. Users Go to the 'Sales by Transaction' menu, then open a new screen to select the received payment option and then search the RTN number.

1.Dropdown: Users can choose one of the 'Receive Payments' in this dropdown.

2.Search Field: Users can search the 'RTN' number in this field.

3.Export to Excel Button: Users click on the 'Export To Excel' button, we get the excel file downloaded.

4.Customer Name: Users can see the 'Customer Name' in this column.

5.Txn Type: Users can see the 'Txn Type' in this column. 

6.Txn Number: Users can see the 'Txn Number' in this column. The transaction is a special set of numbers that defines each transaction. The transaction ID is always unique, which means that there are no transaction IDS that are the same.

7.Ref Number: Users can see the 'Ref Number' in this column. A reference number is a unique identifier assigned to any financial transaction including those made using a credit or debit card.

8.Date: Users can see the 'Date' of the allocation.

9.Total Amount: Users can see the 'Total Amount' in this column.

10.Unused Payment: Users can see the 'Unused Payment' in this column.

11.Edit: Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the existing record.

Step 4. Users click the 'Edit' button then we have a new screen open that we can update the existing record.