To view Item Valuation Summary of Advance Inventory, you need to open Item Valuation Summary screen.

Step 1. You can open Item Valuation Summary screen

from left menu by clicking on Advance Inventory ----->Reports ----> Item Valuation Summary.

Step 2. Once you are on Item Valuation Summary Page you will see the Report.

1.End Date: User select "End Date" in this field.

2.Export to Excel: User press "Export to Excel" button then it will download the Excel file.

3.Item Name: User can see the "Item Name" in this filed.

4.Qty On-Hand: User can see "Qty On-Hand" in this field.

5.Avg.Unit Cost: User can see "Avg.Unit Cost" of item in this field.

6.Asset Value: User can see total "Asset Value" in this field.

7.% of Total Asset: User can see "% of Total Asset" in this field.