1.Company Name: This header will show Vendor name which you have selected from the left side column.
2.Contact: This header will display contact number of the selected Vendor.
3. Payment Team: This header will display Payment Term of the selected Vendor.
4. Street Address: This header will display Address of the Vendor which is selected on left table.
5.City: This header will display City Name of the Vendor which is selected on left side.
6. State:
7. ZipCode: This header will display selected Vendor’s Phone number.
8. Phone: This header will display selected Vendor's Phone number.
9.Alt Phone: This header will display selected Vendor’s Alternate Phone number.
10.Fax: This header will display Fax number of the selected Vendor.
11.Email: This header will display Email address of the selected Vendor.
12.Export to Excel: This button will export data to Excel file and it will be downloaded to your device.
13.Export to PDF: This button will export data to PDF file and it will be downloaded to your device.
14.Txn Number: This column will show the Transaction Number.
15. Txn Type:
16. Doc Date: This column will show the date of the transaction.
17. Due Date:
18. Total Amount: This column will show the total amount of the transaction.
19. Balance Amount: This column will show the opening balance at the time of transaction.
20. Filter Options: Users will select the transaction from this filter option as we have selected “All” system is showing all transactions.
21. Next Page Button: Users can view the record on next pages by clicking on arrow keys.
22. Mail Box:
23. Date:
24. From:
25. To:
26. Subject:
27. Next Page Button:
28. Create Vendor:
29. Edit Vendor: