
This report module is different from some of other report modules which were for the individual categories. You can view Trial Balance, Balance Sheet Summary, Balance Sheet Standard, Profit & Loss Account of your company from this Report module.

Trial Balance

A statement of all debts and credits is called Trial Balance ERP Gold provides feature of Printing and exporting data to PDF and Excel files of your report based on your date range selection.

"To view trial balance report you need to first go onto the trial balance page.

Step 1. There is only one way of reaching trial balance page from left menu by clicking on Accounting --> Reports then Trail Balance."

Step 2. Once you are on Trial Balance report page you can select date criteria for which you want report and print or export data to EXCEL to files.

1.Date From: Users will select starting date of the Trial Balance from this calendar field.

2.Date To: Users will select the ending date of the Trial Balance from this calendar field.

3.Export to EXCEL: This button will export your report to EXCEL file and it will be downloaded to your device.

4.Refresh: This button will refresh the screen.

5.Account Number: This column will show Account Number.

6.Account Name: This column will show Account Name.

7.Debit Balance: This column will show debit amount of the account.

8.Credit Balance: This column will show credit amount of the account.