1.Vendor: User click dropdown and select the vendor in this dropdown.
2.Start Date: User select "Start Date" of report.
3.End Date: User select "End Date" of report.
4.Go: User can select the "Vendor" and then click on "Go" button it will show the report.
5.Export to Excel: This button will export your report to EXCEL file and download it to your device.
6.Txn Number: User can see "Txn number" in this column.
7.Vendor: User can see "Vendor" name in this column.
8.Date: User can see the "Date" of report.
9.Item Code: User can see "Item Code" in this column.
10.Item Code: User can see "Item Code" name in this column.
11.Quantity: User can see "Quantity" of item in this column.
12.Price: User can see "Price" of item in this column.
13.Total: User can see "Total Amount" of item in this column.
14.Invoice Amount: User can see "Invoice Amount" of item in this column.
15.Balance Amount: User can see "Balance Amount" of item in this column.