Step 1.To enter user roles you have to first get into the user role page which can be accessed from left menu by clicking on Administration then User Role.

Step 2.Once you are on User Role page click on Blue button that says “Add Role”.

1.Add New Record: Users will enter new record for the user role from this button.

2.Role Id: This column will show Role ID which will be auto generated by the system.

3.Role Name: This column will show Role names list.

4.Edit: Users can edit the record of current user role by clicking on Edit button next to each record.

5.Next Page Button:Users can view record of next pages by clicking on arrow keys.

Step 3. ERP gold requires information to fill in the new user role window you just need to enter role name and ERP Gold which will be accessed by that category user and click on save.

1.Role Name: User create the new role name.

2.Save: user click the save button then new role name is saved.

3.Back to List: Back to the main screen of user role.