1.Select Files: Users will click on this button to select an Excel file.
2.Attach File: Users will click on this button to Attach the Excel file to the system.
3.Remove File: User click "Remove File" button then it will removed the Attach file.
4.Download Template: Users click "Template" then it will download the Excel File Template.
5.Upload button: User click "Upload " button then it will upload the Excel file.
6.IMEI: Users click dropdown and select the "IMEI" in this dropdown.
7.Carrier: Users click dropdown and select the "Carrier" in this dropdown.
8.Vendor Name: Users click the dropdown and select the "Vendor Name" in this dropdown.
9.Transaction Date: Users click dropdown and select the "Transaction Date" in this dropdown.
10.Refernce Number: Users click dropdown and select the "Reference Number in this dropdown.
13.Model: Users click the dropdown and select the "Model" in this dropdown.
14.Color: Users click the dropdown and select the "Color" in this dropdoewn.
15.Capacity: Users click the dropdown and select the "Capacity" in this dropdown.
16.Condition: Users click the dropdown and select the "Condition" in this dropdown.
17.IMEI White List: Users click the dropdown and select the "IMEI White List" in this dropdown.
18.IMEI Status: Users click the dropdown and select the "IMEI Status" in this dropdown.
19.Unit Cost: Users click dropdown and select the"Unit Cost" in this dropdown.
20.Lock: Users click dropdown and select the "Lock" in this dropdown.
21.Item Name: Users click the dropdown and select the "Item Name".
22.Item Code: Users click the dropdown and select the "Item Code".
23.Work Order Number: Users click the dropdown and select the "Work Order Number".
24.External Item ID: Users click the dropdown and select the "External Item ID".