1.Bill/Credit: Users will select Bill or Credit from this drop down list for which Credit Card payment have been made.
2.Purchase From: From this list users will select customers or vendors from which items were purchased.
3.Credit Card/Cash: User click dropdown and select the "Credit Card / Cash" option in this dropdown.
4.Reference Number: User enter the "Reference number" in this field.
5.Payment Date: From this field users will select the date of payment.
6.Due Date: User select "Due Date" in this field.
7.Site/Location: User click dropdown and select "Location" in this dropdown.
=>Account:This button will show account options in which you will add amount.
=>Item: This button will show item list and options for which amount is received.
8.ACCOUNT: From this drop down list users will select Credit Card account.
9.AMOUNT: Users will enter amount that have been deposited in this field.
10.MEMO: Users will enter memo for this transaction in this field.
11.CUSTOMER: User will select the customer to which item was sold from this drop down list.
12.BILLABLE: Users will tick this check box if transaction is billable.
13.DELETE: This button will delete a record from the list.
14.Add More: This button will add more records to the list.
15.Expense Amount: This field will show total expense amount.
16.Total Amount: This field will show total amount of the transaction.
17.Memo: Users will enter memo for this transaction in this field.
18.Save Changes:If you click "Save changes", then it will show you changes that you saved.
19.Save & New: If you click "Save and New", then is will redirect to create screen of lead source after saving record.
20.Save & Exit: if you click "Save and Exist", then it will redirect to list page of lead source.