Step 1. To add Mail Chimp functionality you have to integrate Mail Chimp into ERP Gold first get onto the Mail Chimp integration page from left menu by clicking on

Media Center ------>Setup.

 Step 2. Users will go to the setup then will show the email marketing setup.

Step 3. Click the mailchimp icon then will show the mailchimp setup.

1.Mail Chimp ApiKey: User will enter apikey. 

2.Mail Chimp Api DataCenter Mail Chimp Api DataCenter (if available, else it will be same as ApiKey): Enter datacenter for mail chimp.

3.Save: User will enter save button then all records save.

How to Find or Generate Your MailChimp API Key.

  In MailChimp, users with Manager permissions can generate and view their own API keys. Users with Admin permissions can also see API keys for other account users.

  • Click your profile name to expand the Account Panel, and choose Account.
  • Click the Extras drop-down menu and choose API keys.
  • Copy an existing API key or click the Create A Key button.
  • Name your key descriptively, so you know what application uses that key.

 Follow the instructions and enter the API key most of the times API key and API Data Center key are same.

 Click on Save button to integrate Mail Chimp with ERP Gold.