1.Gold Package: This package based on number of users.
2.Assign Users: It is displaying total assigned user.
3.Total Number Of Users: It is displaying total number of User.
4.Growth Package: This package based on number of modules.
5.Assign Module: It is displaying total assign of module.
6.Total Number Of Module: It is displaying total number of modules.
7.Add User: Users will enter new user record from this button.
8.User Name: This column will show email addresses which are used as user names for logging into the system.
9.License(s): It shows which license is assigned to the user.
10.Setup: Which role is assigned to the user.
11.Change Role: Change to the user role.
12.Edit: This button will edit the current user record.
13.Reset Password: This button will reset user lost password.
14.Next Page Button: Move to next page.
15.Items Per Page: Users can view how many items to show on single page available options are 5,10,20.
1.New Password: User will Create new password in this field.
2.Confirm New Password: User will Create the confirm new password in this column.
3.Save: Click the save button then all record is saved.
4.Back to List: Back to the main screen.