
As your business grows, you might have more items in your stock. In ERP Gold Inventory, you can classify your items under several categories. This helps you to organize your stock and access them easily.

Step 1. There is only one way to open the Item Category screen of the Advance Inventory that is from the left menu by clicking on Advance Inventory ------> Categories.

Step 2. Users click the "Categories" then you will add any "Category" from here.

1. Add Category: Users click the "Add Category" button then it will open a new screen to create the new categories.

2.Item Category Name: The user will see the category of the item in this field.

3.Count: Display the number of items against the "item category name " in this field.

4.Is Active: User can see the active status of the categories in this column.

5.Edit: To edit existing categories User click the edit button then will update the information.

Step 3. After clicking the "Add Category" button then it will open the new screen to Add Item Category record.

1.Category Name: User will enter the category name in this field.

2.Is Active: Users can choose the active status of the categories in this dropdown.

3. Date Time Created: Users saved the records then it will auto-generated date and time in this header.

4.Date Time Last Modified: Users can update the last created record.

5. Save & Close: User click the save & close button then it will redirect to the index page.

6. Save & Continue: User click the "Save & Continue" button it will open a new screen with different options here you Manipulate according to the "Item Categories" screen.

7. Save & New: Users click the "Save & New" button then it will save the record and redirect to the same screen.

8.Back to List: Back to the main index page.

Step 4. To edit existing categories User click the edit button then will update the information.

1.Category Name: Users can update the 'Category Name' in this field.

2.Is Active: Users can update the active status of the categories in this dropdown.

3. Date Time Created: Users saved the records then it will auto-generated date and time in this header.

4.Date Time Last Modified: Users can update the last created record.

5. Save & Close: User click the save & close button then it will redirect to the index page.

6. Save & Continue: User click the "Save & Continue" button it will open a new screen with different options here you Manipulate according to the "Item Categories" screen.

7.Save & New: Users click the "Save & New" button then it will save the record and redirect to the same screen.

8.Back to List: Back to the main index page.